

正心国际诗人奖——中秋表彰名单:(The Recognition List Of Mid Autumn Festival— Zheng Xin International Poets Award)

(1) 艾琳·杜拉·卡瓦迪亚(Irene Doura-Kavadia)——希腊

 正心国际诗人奖——中秋表彰名单:(The Recognition List Of Mid Autumn Festival— Zheng Xin International Poets Award)
        授奖理由(Reasons for award):Outstanding Greek poetess and activists, commending her participation and organization of her activities in the past two years.
(2) 斯塔夫鲁拉·维涅利(Σταυρούλα Βενιέρη)——希腊
正心国际诗人奖——中秋表彰名单:(The Recognition List Of Mid Autumn Festival— Zheng Xin International Poets Award)
授奖理由(Reasons for award):Outstanding Greek poetess, has beautiful poems and great influence, give special award.
(3) 芭芭拉·罗塔(Barbara Rotta)——意大利
正心国际诗人奖——中秋表彰名单:(The Recognition List Of Mid Autumn Festival— Zheng Xin International Poets Award)
授奖理由(Reasons for award):An Italian special artists, poets, paintings and poetry have special elements. Hereby award her this award.
(4) 莉莉·贝隆·艾斯克里托拉(Lily Baylon Escritora)——西班牙
正心国际诗人奖——中秋表彰名单:(The Recognition List Of Mid Autumn Festival— Zheng Xin International Poets Award)
授奖理由(Reasons for award):President of CÁMARA INTERNACIONAL DE ESCRITORES & ARTISTAS,commend her events design and works,Hereby award her this award.
(5) 桑托什·库马尔·波卡雷尔(Santosh Kumar Pokharel)——尼泊尔
正心国际诗人奖——中秋表彰名单:(The Recognition List Of Mid Autumn Festival— Zheng Xin International Poets Award)
授奖理由(Reasons for award):He is one of the most outstanding poets in Nepal. He has won a lot of honors this year. Award his success.
(6) 克桑西·洪德鲁·希尔(Xanthi Hondrou-Hill)——希腊
正心国际诗人奖——中秋表彰名单:(The Recognition List Of Mid Autumn Festival— Zheng Xin International Poets Award)
授奖理由(Reasons for award):The organizer of ARISTOTLE and the WORLD 1st International Poetry Festival Naoussa,2022, commend her events design and works,Hereby award her this award.
(7) 珍妮特·尤里卡(Jeanette Eureka)——墨西哥
正心国际诗人奖——中秋表彰名单:(The Recognition List Of Mid Autumn Festival— Zheng Xin International Poets Award)
授奖理由(Reasons for award):Famous Mexican poetess and activists, her achievements are particularly outstanding this year.
(8) 卢西拉·特拉帕佐(Lucilla Trapazzo)——瑞士/意大利
正心国际诗人奖——中秋表彰名单:(The Recognition List Of Mid Autumn Festival— Zheng Xin International Poets Award)
授奖理由(Reasons for award):Low-key poetess, poems are classical and elegant and intoxicating.
(9) 安娜·史翠嘉(Ana Stjelja)——塞尔维亚
正心国际诗人奖——中秋表彰名单:(The Recognition List Of Mid Autumn Festival— Zheng Xin International Poets Award)
授奖理由(Reasons for award):Real poetess, hard work, and her poems are simple and beautiful.
(10) 卡洛斯·雨果·加里多·查伦(Carlos Hugo Garrido Chalén)——秘鲁
正心国际诗人奖——中秋表彰名单:(The Recognition List Of Mid Autumn Festival— Zheng Xin International Poets Award)

授奖理由(Reasons for award):Outstanding activists tirelessly serve poets.
(11) 伊娃·彼得罗普鲁·利诺伊(Eva Petroniuslou Lianoy)——希腊
正心国际诗人奖——中秋表彰名单:(The Recognition List Of Mid Autumn Festival— Zheng Xin International Poets Award)
授奖理由(Reasons for award):Excellent poet and children's writer. Hereby award her this award.
(12) 稻美里佳(Rika Inami)——日本
正心国际诗人奖——中秋表彰名单:(The Recognition List Of Mid Autumn Festival— Zheng Xin International Poets Award)
授奖理由(Reasons for award):Great Japanese writer and poetess,have been writing silently for many years with outstanding works.Hereby award her this award.